Monday, September 29, 2014

Thursday, September 4, 2014 - in process of completing

New wen site that im finishing is Meditech in croatia.

Link to the site:

Also in couple of days will be finished.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Hi I design and make web pages (HTML5), logos, brochures and some certificates (diplomas and memorandums with envelopes).

Doing this for several years now, and I mainly like to design HTML5 sites. Logos are good for me also, brochures I'm good in, and for certificates and diplomas are really easy to create and made.

I'm currently involved in creating two more sites one is company in London (UK) and the other is in Rijeka (CRO). (Images will follow on first pages of each project soon)

My work you can seen in links bellow:

* Graphic Work
* WEB work